Friday, November 11, 2011

5 Tips for Setting a Beautiful Table and an Extra Very Important Tip

I borrowed this pic from the HGTV website. This is a
perfectly simple and excellent example of a
gorgeous table setting.
It's during this time of year that people remember why they have a dining room. There are lots of dinner parties, entertaining and holiday meals being planned. If you are planning to host a meal at your home, I wanted to provide you with some useful tips for making a beautiful table.

Another image borrowed from HGTV.Notice the leaves,
pumpkins and pine cones.
1. No humongous centerpieces please! It's a pet peeve, well one of many but this is the one that pertains to tables. I've been to so many events where there are gorgeous arrangements in the center of the table, but they are so huge and overwhelming that you can't find the salt, much less the person seated across from you.

Please, please, please put those lovely arrangements on the buffet table or somewhere where we can appreciate them without having to make small talk with them. Instead, keep your center decoration beneath eye level. Think votives, bud vases, cake plates - all of these items can be used to add beauty to your table, without obstruction.

How adorable are these place holders?!
2. Speaking of centerpieces, this is a really great way to add flair to your table without having to buy all new dishes and a good opportunity to use your creative muscle. Rather than flowers, this time of year there is an abundance of pumpkins,

gourds, leaves, branches, dried corn husks, greenery, pine cones, apples, pears - all of these items can be used to decorate your table. Too rustic for your tastes? Paint them. They would look fabulous painted in white, cream, silver, gold, bronze, black. Whatever goes with your color scheme. Some newspaper, a couple of cans of spray paint and voila. Gorgeous! Oh and the same thing goes for place cards - a mini pumpkin and a Sharpie and you are good to go. Anything hand made, makes it seem more special.

3. Use what you have. There is no reason to go out and buy new dishes, unless you really want to. Simple everyday dishes can work. Dishes, glassware, silverware - all of these items are the work horses of the table. After all, you want a civilized event. And no, I don't care how heavy duty and pretty they are, for this type of special occasion you cannot have paper plates, plastic forks, plastic cups and paper napkins - unless you want everyone to feel like they have been relegated to the kids table. Might as well add some balloons and party hats and call it a kids birthday party!

However, if you must purchase dishes, please keep them simple. Plain will work for any occasion from now on. Or if you want a little metallic accent that's fine too. Just keep in mind that you can make your life easier by having tableware that is dishwasher safe. To add color and pizzazz, get a pretty charger, place mats, cloth napkins, table runners. All of these items can be purchased quite inexpensively at Pier 1, Target, Homegoods, etc. Not sure what wine glass to use? Just use the largest that you have - and a water goblet. Too many glasses gets confusing and messy and most people are going to stick to one type of drink. And if they don't - you have my permission to give them some plastic cups!

Can someone explain why there is a fork going through
the napkin ring?
A quick word about clothe napkins. I do encourage you to buy some. They bring elegance and formality to any occasion. You can get them in a pretty color to go with your scheme or just plain white or cream. You can forgo the napkin ring by tying a pretty piece of ribbon on them, or simply lay them folded flat on your plates with a pine cone or sprig of greenery. I would also highly recommend that they be easy to wash and dry at home. Do you really want to pay for dry cleaning your napkins?

4. Have enough condiments and sauces in appropriate dishes. If you are having more than six people over, make sure that you have multiple salt and pepper shakers and that you have multiple bowls with spoons for dressings, sauces, gravy, etc. Many times this gets overlooked at dinners and it makes it so much more pleasant for everyone if they don't have to share with so many.

5. Keep it simple. That's my mantra in everything I do in my life. Just keep it simple. Less is always more. If you have the basics so that people can eat, drink and clean their mouths, the rest is incidental. I would prefer to go to dinner where the table is set simply than where the table looks like a housewares display exploded. I cannot say it enough - keep it simple!

Important tip!!! This is outside the realm of decorating, but it has to be said. Enjoy yourself! The mood of any event is set by the hosts so please don't stress the little stuff or the big stuff, either. Guests will forgive you if something is burnt - having to order a pizza or Chinese food because the turkey was burnt is not the worst thing in the world. If anything, it gives people something to laugh and chat about. But it would be awful if you throw a tantrum about it. Then it's just uncomfortable for everyone. Just have fun and your guests will remember that most of all.

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