Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ancient Beauty of Rome: Italy Part 2

While the Vatican is a palace full of glorious riches, Rome rivals the Vatican in it's beautiful ruins. Just walking around the city, you are surrounded by history.

One thing I had expected, was a lot of dirty, black, old relics, but surprisingly Rome has been cleaned up in the past decade. The fuel is green, there are fewer drivers. In short, they have done a heck of a job cleaning and maintaining its state of beautiful, arrested decay. In short - amazing.

Anyhow, there is so much history in Rome I'm not sure I could see it all in a year, much less a day, but our guide sure did try.

Here are some of the amazing sites we saw. I hope you enjoy the continuation of my photo tour. :)

These are the famous Spanish Steps from my favorite movie, Roman Holiday. I wanted to have my Audrey Hepburn moment. Not quite what I had in mind.You should've seen them later. You couldn't even see the actual steps there were so many people.

The Roman Forum at night is ethereal.

More of the Roman Forum.

Chariot racing anyone? The Circus - almost three football fields wide.

The church that sits atop the catacombs.

Inside the Catacombe di San Domitilla - the oldest of the catacombs found in Rome.

Markings assigned to Christians in the catacombs.

More markings outside the burial chambers.

Frescoes indicate the burial site of someone of some importance during the period.

Sadly, the frescoes were vandalized to remove the images of the figures long ago.

The Chains of St. Peter Basilica (San Pietro in Vincoli) house the chains that shackled Peter when he was imprisoned for preaching about Jesus.

A beautiful, ancient keyhole on the door for a garden of the Order of the Knights Templar.

Reveals a garden that overlooks the Vatican. Read more here.

Me - in the rain - looking up at the stands of the Colosseum imagining my seats.
Lower level of the Colosseum where the fighters would prepare and animals would have been kept.

These arches are a feat of architectural marvel. Can you imagine the craftsmen that were used to build this?

Beautiful moss-lined corridors are so melancholy - especially in the rain.

View of the new Vittorio Emanuele II National Museum (built in the late 19th-early 20th century) from atop of the Colosseum.

View of Mussolini's office balcony from atop the Colosseum.

Remains of the massive bronze statue of Constantine on display inside the Colosseum is from 1100's.

More views of the Roman Forum from atop of the Colosseum.

I cannot remember what building this is. I'm sure it's important. I just loved the architecture of it, though. :)

Domed ceiling of the Pantheon - the temple of all the gods, was built with it's open top in the 2nd century. It was raining that day so the water was streaming in. Very cool.

I have to give credit where credit is due. My husband, Steve, took almost all of the pictures while we were in Italy. He's gotten quite good I think. Don't you?

I hope you enjoyed these pictures. I have some incredible ones coming up of a spectacular garden in Florence.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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