Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Favorite Holiday Host Gifts

Parties, dinners, short overnight visits. Holiday time is prime time to spend with friends, peers, family, and coworkers. If you want to be invited back next year, make sure that you are a great guest. That means that you behave yourself - which is what I tell my kids! It also means that you make sure you thank them for hosting you with a lovely gift.

Wine is typically the go-to gift for this situation. However, I personally don't drink wine and don't know enough about it to give something worth giving. So I've come up with a few gift ideas that your hosts will really appreciate. 

My most favorite gift to give is a beautiful coffee table book. If you know the person well, you can give them something on a topic that they might be interested in. If you don't know them well, you can pick some sort of general topic such as travel, beaches, something on the state you live in, etc. - Barnes & Noble

Something that I rarely purchase for myself, but love for any home is a  something decorative with a pretty scent. There are atomizers, room sprays, potpourri, pretty hand soaps, scented candles, and room sprays. - Antica Farmasista

 Cocktail/Wine Bar Tools - If your host likes to throw and party then a bar tool can be a fun gift to give. Hey, anything to get the drinks served faster, right? Williams-Sonoma

Mugs - I'm a big coffee drinker (though I like tea and hot cocoa too) so I can appreciate a cool set of mugs. I particularly love these from -

For the host or hostess who loves their Christmas Tree, a gift of ornaments is always fun to receive. I actually have five Christmas trees in my house. They each have their own theme. I love the idea of receiving ornaments because they remind me of the person that gave them to me every year when I pull them out. - Crate & Barrel
I might be a bit old school - actually probably more old school than not as I get older - but I still love to put pen to paper. I like having a paper calendar and I use notebooks for work and any other note taking activity. It has always helped me to think. I think journals, notebooks, calendars, diaries are beautiful gifts. Check out the beautiful, brightly colored ones available @ Papyrus

Again a bit old school - I'm definitely aging myself here  - but I love playing board games with friends. I play Words with Friends on my phone (I'm not completely out of touch!) and love it so much that I'm tempted to get the board game version. But I also love Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Monopoly, etc. Games you can play with a group of people and  have some good ol' fashioned fun! Toys R' Us

These are my favorite Host Gifts to give. What are some of your favortie gifts that you've received from friends and family? What do you like to give? I would love to hear from you!

Please visit me on Facebook and Pinterest.

Copyright, Cristina Mullins Interiors, 2012

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